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Unveiling the Heart of a Hockey Warrior: Subedar Major VM Krishna Kumar (Retd)

SportiScoop’s Vishal M in Conversation with Subedar Major VM Krishna Kumar (Retd).

Vishal M (VM): Greetings, everyone! Today, we have a truly remarkable guest with us – Subedar Major VM Krishna Kumar (Retd), an exceptional personality who’s been a stalwart in the world of hockey and a guiding light for aspiring players. Welcome, Subedarjee!

Subedar Major VM Krishna Kumar (KK): Thank you, Vishal. It’s great to be here and share my journey with all the readers.

VM: Let’s dive right in, Subedarjee. What ignited your passion for hockey?

KK: Well, in my childhood, Karnataka had this incredible hockey team, and being from Coorg, where hockey runs in our veins, I was naturally drawn to it. A national player named Mani introduced me to the game by handing me a broken hockey stick. Funny enough, I still use a stick from the same company, “The Indian Maharaja.” That’s where my love affair with hockey began.

VM: It’s amazing how a broken stick sparked such a passion! What were the major milestones in your hockey career?

KK: My journey started with ASC Jalandhar, an unbeatable team in the Indian Army. I was fortunate to train alongside legends like Col. Harcharansingh (Arjun Awardee), Col. Dalbirsingh (Arjun Awardee), Sub. Maj Avatarsingh (Coach), Sub KP Singh (Coach), and Lt. Col. A E Ganapathy (International Hockey Coach). They were my mentors, and I was often referred to as the “Single-man Army” in the defense line.

VM: Impressive! You’ve played in numerous tournaments. Any memorable ones you’d like to share?

KK: Oh, absolutely. I’ve had the honor of playing in prestigious events like the National A Grade Games, Saharanpur 1st tourney, and the DCM Toyota Gold Cup at Kota Raj, to name a few. Internationally, I represented India against Sri Lanka at the ASC Hockey Ground in Bengaluru.

VM: That’s quite a list! What were the challenges you faced on your journey?

KK: Affordability was a significant challenge. I often had to reuse hockey sticks and gear due to middle-class constraints. But my family’s unwavering support kept my spirits high.

VM: The struggle is real for many aspiring athletes. What’s your take on the current state of hockey infrastructure in India?

KK: Many talented players don’t get the exposure they deserve, and affordability remains a hurdle. We need to invest more in sports infrastructure and encourage youngsters to take up sports.

VM: Speaking of which, what’s your perspective on SportiWe as a platform for athletes?

KK: SportiWe is a fantastic platform for both ex-players and aspiring athletes. It’s unique in how it helps army veterans build careers in the fitness industry as trainers and coaches. It’s truly commendable.

VM: Well said! How can authorities improve the sports scene in India?

KK: State sports infrastructure needs a boost to motivate youth to adopt sports as a lifelong habit from an early age.

VM: Great advice. Finally, what message do you have for young parents in India?

KK: Encourage an equal interest in sports and education. A healthy body leads to a sharper mind. Replace screen time with playtime. A few bumps and bruises make kids stronger and more resilient.

VM: That’s wonderful advice, Subedarjee. And what’s the ideal time and age for sports and fitness?

KK: Either early morning or early evening is perfect, at least an hour a day. As for age, there’s no limit! Fitness should be a lifelong companion. I know a gentleman, Con. Utiyan Kalyan, who’s 74 and still goes jogging and takes up para diving. It’s never too late!

VM: Truly inspiring! Thank you, Subedarjee, for sharing your incredible journey and insights with us today. You’re a living testament to the power of passion and perseverance.

KK: My pleasure, Vishal. Keep playing, keep moving, and keep believing in the magic of sports!

And there you have it, folks, the incredible journey of Subedar Major VM Krishna Kumar (Retd), a hockey legend who continues to inspire with his dedication to the game and his unshakable belief in the importance of fithttps://www.sportiwe.com/ #SportiWe #BeSportiWe #MatchMeetPlay

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