Home > MMA > A Rising Star in MMA: A Candid Conversation with Aryan Trivedi and Coach Ishika Thite

A Rising Star in MMA: A Candid Conversation with Aryan Trivedi and Coach Ishika Thite

July 16, Delhi – Aryan Trivedi emerged victorious in a national-level MMA tournament, marking a significant milestone in his journey as a martial artist. With his last amateur bout behind him, Aryan is gearing up for his professional debut in BFC3 on July 30th in Guwahati, Assam. As the co-founder of SportiWe, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Aryan and his esteemed coach, Ishika Thite, to delve into their incredible journey.

Interviewer (Amey Dalvi): Good day, everyone! Today, we have the exciting opportunity to chat with the talented Aryan Trivedi and his brilliant coach, Ishika Thite. Aryan, congratulations on your recent triumph in the national-level MMA tournament! How does it feel to achieve such a remarkable victory?

Aryan Trivedi: Thank you, Amey! Winning the tournament was an unforgettable moment for me. It feels incredible to see all the hard work paying off. I’m on cloud nine right now!

Amey: That’s fantastic, Aryan! Now, tell us more about your journey in MMA. We hear that you faced a few challenges early on. How did you keep yourself motivated during those tough times?

Aryan: Oh, those early days were quite a roller coaster ride! I had my fair share of losses and even thought of hanging up my gloves. But you know what they say, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!” That’s exactly what I did. I took inspiration from the great fighters and found solace in my love for the sport.

Amey: It’s commendable how you bounced back, Aryan! And Ishika, as Aryan’s coach, how did you help him find his footing and transform into a winning fighter?

Ishika Thite: Well, Amey, when Aryan first joined The Dojo, he was full of potential, but he needed guidance and nurturing. We worked on refining his technique and instilled discipline in his training. Our secret ingredient was an extra dose of humor and motivation! Keeping the mood light yet focused helped him unleash his true potential.

Amey: Humor and motivation, that’s an awesome combo! So, Ishika, what makes Aryan stand out as a fighter, and what sets him apart from the rest?

Ishika: Oh, Aryan is a fireball of determination! What sets him apart is his passion for the sport and his unwavering spirit to never back down. He’s like a sponge, always eager to learn and absorb new techniques. Aryan’s dedication to his craft is truly inspiring.

Amey: That’s fantastic to hear! And Aryan, as you gear up for your professional debut in BFC3, what emotions are running through you?

Aryan: Excitement, nerves, and sheer adrenaline, all bundled up! It’s a mix of emotions, but I’m thrilled beyond words. I can’t wait to step into the professional circuit and show the world what I’ve got.

Amey: We can feel the energy, Aryan! Now, Ishika, tell us about the preparations you’ve made to ensure Aryan is at his best for BFC3.

Ishika: Aryan’s training has been intense and focused. We’ve been working on sharpening his skills and developing strategies to tackle any challenge that comes his way. Our focus is on enhancing his strengths and refining his techniques. I’m confident he’ll shine brightly at BFC3.

Amey: That’s fantastic, Ishika! Aryan, before we conclude, do you have a message for all the aspiring MMA fighters out there?

Aryan: To all aspiring fighters, never let setbacks define you. Embrace the journey, even the tough times, because they mold you into the fighter you are meant to be. Stay dedicated, keep learning, and never forget to have fun along the way!

Amey: Wise words, Aryan! Thank you both for this candid and inspiring conversation. We wish you the best of luck for BFC3, and we’ll be cheering you on every step of the way!

Aryan & Ishika: Thank you, Amey! We appreciate the support and look forward to making everyone proud at BFC3!

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